Active Schools

“I Can Lead” Sports Leadership Course

This course is a qualification aimed at young people over the age of 14 and is for anyone with a keen interest to get involved in Sports Leadership and Coaching. Please see Keiran at Tuesday breaktime in G3.

Extra Curricular Clubs
Currently we have a number of clubs running after School:

  • Netball – Monday after School with Miss Martin – Open to all
  • Boys football – Monday after School With Mr Lowe – S1 only
  • Basketball – Tuesday after School with Mr Finnegan and Mr Niaros – Open to all
  • Girls football – Tuesday after School with Miss Coull – Open to all girls

If any would like to start an Extra Curricular Club for your friends/Year group then please see Keiran.



  • Active Girls Committee – Next meeting is the 26th of March in G3 – New members welcome
  • Sports Committee – Next meeting is the 27th of March in G3 – New members welcome