What's on in school

Oldmachar Sponsored Walk, Friday 14th of September

Our sponsored walk is this Friday (14th of September). Please see below for further information about the day’s arrangements and final preparations.

Consent forms must be returned to the school office by Wednesday (12th of September) to allow lists to be finalised. Any concerns, please contact PTPS (Guidance).

Pupils must remember to bring inhalers, epipens, hay fever medication and any other medication they may require, with them on the walk.

Assembly times at Gordon Barracks are as follows:-

  • S5-6 – 8:50am
  • S1 – 9:00am
  • S2 – 9:10am
  • S3 – 9:20am
  • S4 – 9:30am

Final instructions and health and safety information will be shared with pupils during Tutor Time on Wednesday and Thursday.