What's on in school

Can you help with our Careers Fair?

We are proposing to organise a Careers Fair for S3-S6 pupils which will be held in the school on Thursday 2 February 2017 from 6-8 pm.

The plan for the evening is as follows:

  • Stalls – informing students/parents about the work of the organisation and the types of careers available within the organisation;
  • Career Talks – informing students/parents about the work you carry out and the path you have taken in order to achieve your current position;
  • Practical Sessions – illustrative hands-on sessions which will allow students/parents to gain a real insight into the work you do and practice certain activities for themselves.

If you own or work for an organisation who you think would be prepared to assist in any of the above ways then please email us at: karennie@aberdeencity.gov.uk

Your help and support is very much appreciated.

Miss Rennie
