SQA Exam Results
SQA Exam Certificate
The SQA Candidate Advice Line will be available from Tuesday, 9th of August. Pupils/parents can call this line for advice on the content or layout of the SQA certificate or email them using their email address or by completing an enquiry form here.
- SQA Candidate Advice Line: 0345 279 1000
- Email: customer@sqa.org.uk
SQA Appeals Service
You can request an appeal if you feel you have underperformed on the day of your exam. You will receive an appeals pupil guidance document through the post from the SQA and the online version can be found here.
An appeal will not be submitted where:
- Your final award is in line or higher than the Grade estimated by the school.
- Your final award is within the same Grade as that predicted by the assessment evidence held by the school (e.g. achievement of band 2 is a Grade A and no request can be made to upgrade this to band 1 which is also Grade A).
- Your performance has shown inconsistencies during the year such that the final award falls within the range of performance evidenced. We do not have the appropriate evidence that would be required to submit an appeal for the subject.
If you are eligible for an appeal, in most cases your grade will either go up or stay the same. However, there is a very small chance that your grade could go down due to the clerical check process. Please be aware of this before requesting an appeal.
To Request an Appeal
Please complete this Google Form.
NB: Please complete the Form once for each appeal required, i.e. if you need to appeal two subjects complete the Form twice, once for each subject.
Urgent Appeal Requests
All urgent appeals must be emailed to us by Thursday, 11th of August.
These results will have a bearing on you entering a course (e.g. UCAS conditional exam results). Please ensure that you:
- Mark your email as “Urgent Request”
- Provide us with your University/College name and course (e.g. Glasgow University to study Law)
Non-Urgent Appeal Requests
All non-urgent appeal requests must be emailed to us by Tuesday, 16th of August.
Careers Service
If you need advice about your future career journey such as apprenticeships or going to college or university – you should make a free call to the Skills Development Scotland (SDS) Exam Results Helpline or visit the website here.
The Exam Results Helpline will be available at the following times:
- 9th – 10th of August from 8am to 8pm
- 11th – 12th of August from 9am to 5pm
- 15th – 16th of August from 9am to 5pm
Pupils can also request an appointment with our school Careers’ Advisor, Shonagh Stocks through their Pupil Support Teacher or contact them directly using the details provided.
- SDS Exam Results Helpline: 0800 917 8000
- Shonagh Stocks: Shonagh.Stocks@sds.co.uk
All other concerns
If there are any other areas of concern or questions, please email Mr Johnston with your queries.