
FAO Pupils Attending Courses at NESCol

Important update: Face covering requirements strengthened
Face coverings must now be worn in all areas of the College, including learning areas. The only exception is where personal exemptions apply or when seated to eat or drink. This is an update to the previous guidance issued and strengthens the position in relation to face coverings. It follows further discussions at a national level as part of the rolling review of appropriate mitigations against the spread of Coronavirus. The health, safety and wellbeing of all connected with NESCol remains our priority.

The key guidance for all students, staff and visitors is:

  • Face coverings must be worn in all public areas. This includes corridors, lifts, learning areas, libraries, social spaces and dining facilities. These can be removed when seated to eat or drink. Those with an exemption are not required to wear a face covering.
  • Maintain physical distancing. A 1-metre rule is in place throughout the College and must be observed. This includes dining and social spaces. The only exception is for risk-assessed activities approved by staff.
  • Avoid gathering in groups and follow one-way systems where those are in place.
  • Ensure regular hand washing using sanitising stations available. Increased cleaning regimes are also in place.
  • Do not attend College if you experience any Coronavirus symptoms. Anyone displaying symptoms should stay at home and book an NHS test.

The College continues to support the distribution of lateral flow test kits to students and staff as well as the use of the Protect Scotland app and Test and Protect contact tracing as part of a strategy designed not only to prevent the spread of Coronavirus but also to minimise the likelihood of self-isolation.

NESCol is also actively supporting the NHS vaccination programme and will continue to share messaging and information to encourage uptake among students, staff and the College community.

Please Note: If pupils are exempt from wearing face coverings, the College expects them to be wearing lanyards or have proof of exemption. If they do not wear their face masks they will be returned to school on the understanding that they will wear a face mask when they return. Pupils could lose their place on their course if they continue to not adhere to this Health & Safety rule.