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The Oldmachar Careers Fair

A fantastic Careers Fair event was held on Thursday 2 February at Oldmachar Academy.  54 organisations were in attendance, covering a wide range of career paths – the Forces, Health, Business and Finance, Construction and Trades, Energy, Food and Drink,  and Sport to name but a few.  Many universities and colleges were also present on the night to advise pupils and their parents about the range of course options available.

As well as stands, pupils had the option of booking to attend any of the 15 talks on offer too.  These ranged from ASPIRE North providing information about applying to University and Personal Statements; Aberdeen Asset Management – Why take an Apprenticeship to Foodstory Café – Setting up a Business.

Parents were encouraged to share their career experience and expertise.  Linda Strachan, accompanied by her Optimus colleagues, provided pupils and parents with practical advice related to different engineering specialisms and the work of the business.  Gary Gillespie and Karen Gill provided an insight into the work of paramedics and finally Gordon Ellis and his team from John Crane carried out practical demonstrations related to pumps and oil sampling, as well as thermal imaging cameras.

The evening was extremely well supported by many former pupils - Jordan Rowson (Cammach Recruitment); Steven Watson and Billy Fong (Aberdein Considine); Aleysha MacDonald and Ryan McKenzie (Primary teaching); Jon Simpson (Reed Specialist Recruitment); Ryan Candy (Sodexo) and last but by no means least Sarah Munro and Katie Youngson (AAB).

Many, many people contributed to the success of the event.  The staff development group ‘Partnerships and Developing the Young Work Force’ who organised the event, with a helping hand from Martin Johnston from DYW; the vast number of organisations who gave up their time to support our event; the extremely professional Senior and S1 pupils who ensured organisations were well looked after on the evening; the school’s catering, office, support staff and teaching staff and of course finally the pupils and parents of Oldmachar Academy who attended, ensuring that it truly was a memorable and worthwhile evening.

Thank you to all!

Miss Rennie